Lesson 2: JavaScript Variables, Data Types, and Operations
Variables in JavaScript
In JavaScript, you can declare variables using `var`, `let`, or `const`. Here's a detailed breakdown:
- The older way of declaring variables.
- It has a function-scoped scope.
- It is less commonly used now due to potential issues with scoping.
```javascript var x = 5; ```
- Introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) and is the modern way for mutable variables.
- It has a block-scoped scope.
- Use `let` when the variable may be reassigned.
```javascript let message = "Hello, JavaScript!"; ```
- Also introduced in ES6.
- It creates a constant variable that cannot be reassigned.
- It has a block-scoped scope.
- Use `const` when the value should not change.
```javascript const pi = 3.14; ```
Data Types in JavaScript
1. Number:
- Represents numeric values (integers or floating-point numbers).
```javascript let numberVar = 42; let floatVar = 3.14; ```
2. String:
- Represents text and can be enclosed in single or double quotes.
```javascript let stringVar = "JavaScript"; let anotherString = 'Web Development'; ```
3. Boolean:
- Represents logical values, either `true` or `false`.
```javascript let isTrue = true; let isFalse = false; ```
4. Array:
- Represents an ordered list of values. Arrays can hold values of different types.
```javascript let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]; let mixedArray = [1, "two", true]; ```
5. Object:
- Represents a collection of key-value pairs.
```javascript let person = { firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe", age: 30, isStudent: false }; ```
Basic Operations in JavaScript
1. Arithmetic Operations:
- Perform mathematical operations.
```javascript let sum = 5 + 3; // 8 let product = 6 7; // 42 let quotient = 20 / 4; // 5 let remainder = 15 % 4; // 3 ```
2. String Concatenation:
- Combine strings using the `+` operator.
```javascript let firstName = "John"; let lastName = "Doe"; let fullName = firstName + " " + lastName; // "John Doe" ```
3. Comparison Operators:
- Compare values and return a Boolean result.
```javascript let isEqual = 5 === "5"; // false let isNotEqual = 10 !== 5; // true let greaterThan = 8 > 3; // true let lessThanOrEqual = 4 <= 4; // true ```
4. Logical Operators:
- Combine or modify Boolean values.
```javascript let logicalAnd = true && false; // false let logicalOr = true || false; // true let logicalNot = !true; // false ```
Example: Using Variables and Operations
```javascript let baseSalary = 50000; let bonus = 10000; let totalSalary = baseSalary + bonus; let welcomeMessage = "Welcome, " + "John!"; let isEligible = totalSalary > 60000 && totalSalary <= 70000; ```
1. Practice with Variables:
- Declare variables of different data types.
- Experiment with `var`, `let`, and `const`.
2. Explore Data Types:
- Create arrays with different types of elements.
- Build objects with various key-value pairs.
3. Master Operations:
- Perform arithmetic operations with different numbers.
- Concatenate strings in various ways.
- Use comparison and logical operators in different scenarios.